Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Spill it soldier!

Daniel Ellsberg may I first of say WOW you are the bravest human being I’ve ever watched a documentary about. Personally, not that I would ever possess classified “top secret” government documents about any war, but I don’t know if I would risk giving up my life, my friends, family and everything I know to go to prison in order to educate the public on what really happened. I mean, of course I like to think I would, but after watching the hassle Ellsberg had to go through, as well as seeing how he lost his friends and all he had to give up, wow I don’t know if I could hack it. But thank goodness there are a few people in this world that are willing to give everything up for what they believe in.

The media absolutely had every right to publish the Pentagon Papers that were “stolen” by Ellsberg. The public needed to know what truly was happening in Vietnam and that the government was straight up lying to them. That the New York Times published the Pentagon Papers story in my opinion is journalism at its finest. Today journalists feel such a great responsibility to the government, and don’t want to jeopardize their jobs that they don’t publish half the stories they should. But this story needed to go public, regardless of the consequences the journalists might face.

It really makes me sick however that the public took the information, understood it, and still did nothing about it. They re-elected Nixon, and the war continued for another FOUR years. That is disgusting. What could possibly lead the public to re-elect a leader that outright lied to the entire country about how the war in Vietnam was going? Telling the public that everything was awesome when really nothing was being accomplished, is that really the President you would want in power? I certainly wouldn’t.

In relation to Ellsberg, there is the current story of Bradley Manning’s alleged leaking of secret war information to WikiLeaks. It is really unfortunate for Manning that since he is being court-marshaled, he is being held in military prison (Ellsberg was charged as a citizen even though he was a soldier at one point). The information that Manning leaked is also of vital importance for the public to be made aware of. The inexcusable war crimes being perpetrated by our own armies, as well as the immense corruption going on/that went on in Iraq/Iran/Afghanistan is important for the public to know. How else can we make informed decisions on what we think and believe and want to happen in the future? If our worldview is being distorted by lies and cover-ups we will continue to support and perpetuate these ridiculous wars under false pretences and think we’re doing the right thing!

Journalists have a lot of power; this is definitely shown in the case of the media outlets that ran the story on the Pentagon Papers. But journalists today need to re-evaluate who they are loyal to truly, the government or the public. Who are they really writing for, what is their true purpose of writing? To reinforce the publics narrow view of the world? Or to expose and inform the public on things that they would otherwise be unaware of. As a journalist, you can’t make everyone care about what you have to say, you can’t effect how people will deal with things but it is definitely a journalist’s responsibility to make sure the public knows the facts. After that, they are on their own to process the information how they see fit. Journalists are responsible primarily to the public’s right to know, not to protect the government.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Watching Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism I realized how bias news media really is. Ownership has a huge impact on what stories the news outlet will air. In the case of Fox News Rupert Murdoch has created an incredibly bias right wing media powerhouse. His values have absolutely altered the way the facts of an issue are presented/misrepresented.

The documentary definitely convinced me personally that the values of Rupert Murdoch have significantly impacted the way that news is reported on Fox News. It has impacted journalism in a very negative extremely political way. He is literally waging a war on journalism. Because Fox News is so successful, other news stations are trying to “outfox” Fox, by using attack politics and creating very one-sided arguments that do not accept any other points of view. Fox’s tagline is “Fair and Balanced” but how can they claim that when they aren’t fair or balanced on any issues? They only report the right wing political party approved messages. When any guests come on the show to report on their political views on an issue, the Fox broadcasters shut them down immediately when the opposition’s views no longer align with the right wing ideal. By embarrassing and discrediting the “targets” a.k.a people with varying political ideas/opinions the Fox news team is leading viewers to believe there is only one legitimate side to any issue.

Fox News has been known to make up facts (particularly O’reilly) to distort the view of an issue. This is completely ridiculous when you think about the purpose of journalism, the responsibility of journalists to inform the public of what is going on. In terms of Jay Rosen’s argument which states that bias journalism is not such a negative thing, and that it is okay to be a “true believer” but Murdoch takes this to a whole new level, going to a new extreme of ideological propaganda.

That’s what Fox News is, political propaganda. There is no sense of basic journalistic integrity, where different sides of the issue are at least considered if not explored. According to the documentary, people that watch Fox News are more likely to be confused about what is going on in the world than viewers of other media outlets. But oddly other news networks are trying to copy the style of “reporting” (commentating) by imitating the attack politics style, this is called the “Fox Effect”.

While Canada does not currently have a “Fox-like” television news station, and I don’t believe we ever should. The reason that we cannot have this type of program is because of a law that says broadcasters cannot openly lie, and there is talk of removing this law to implement a new station? Really? How do the people in power possible see this as a positive idea? I suppose that is why it is being done mostly undercover, because Canadian’s I believe would be outraged to find out that there was a perfectly sensible law being overturned in order for broadcasters to have fewer restrictions on how they can report news.

Rupert Murdoch’s war on journalism is absolutely ludicrous. I think EVERYONE needs to watch this documentary and show all their friends so that Fox can no longer commentate news in this ridiculous way.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

A blog about blogging

I think that blogging is the new wave of journalism. Because of it’s fast paced; reader conscious style people consult blogs more often than newspapers. People are held more accountable for their actions and reactions when writing a blog post. Instead of writing a “letter to the editor” readers can have commentary with the writer as well as other readers.

It is important that people blog about things so that we can see varying sides of an issue. Bias is fine, it tells us what that person truly thinks. With bias it is easier to identify, “this is what this person thinks of this issue” instead of believing the writer in unbiased and assuming everything the writer says is fact.

Blogs are not necessarily negative or positive attribute of journalism; it is simply the newest form. Journalists have adapted to the technologically rich society we live in and readers have responded. With so many people writing about the same issues it is important for a reader to be able to check more than one source. Instead of buying 5 newspapers and flipping through them for half an hour each, readers are now able to click on a link and zoom to another side of an issue. But personality is the real beauty of reading a blog. Being able to see how that person feels about a particular issue, with print journalism the writing is often so emotionless that it is not enjoyable to read. Blogs are full of emotion; they have to be in order for people to stay interested.

There is no real way to know where journalism as a profession is going, but blogging seems to be really taking off. Writers and readers really enjoy the process of blogging, from the original post to the commentary that sparks from it’s posting. I don’t believe blogging is a negative aspect of journalism, because readers are able to get varying points of view. This is the best part of reading a blog, that you can click on a hyperlink to fact check the persons work, and decide for yourself what the story means. There is less of feeding information to the reader; the reader has become more active in the process. This is really refreshing. Blogging makes people care more about news. It makes it easier to follow a story you care about.

Friday, March 11, 2011

THE rock star from Mars

Charlie Sheen. We all know him from his show Two and a Half Men. And now we know him from his very public fall from grace. But was he really ever "graceful"? Charlie Sheen is KNOWN for his bad behaviour. It seems nothing can touch this television star.

On January 27th 2011 Sheen was taken to hospital for “severe abdominal pain” apparently due to a hernia he has had for several years. Coincidentally the next day Sheen voluntarily started up a rehab program. Two and a Half Men executives have stood behind Sheen for many years through his drug abuse and other incidents. Charlie Sheen makes a lot of people a lot of money. But the show has been suspended in its 8th season. With Sheen now officially "fired" from Two and a Half Men.

Sheen has now gone on a self motivated media tour. “Winning” is Sheen’s latest catchphrase, one which he has recently tattooed on his wrist. He claims to be on top of the world right now despite everything that has happened. Sheen is currently living with porn star Bree Olson and model Natalie Kenly, his “goddesses” as he calls them, after losing custody of his children a few days ago. Watching Sheen’s story progress the entertainment factor just goes up and up.

Since the hotel incident involving drugs an a porn star, Sheen has been accused of anti-Semitism, and launched a full scale “media blitz”. Tearing down the shows creator Chuck Lorre with remarks like “retarded zombie” Sheen has made it clear he is unhappy with the decision on cancelling Two and a Half Men.

Charlie Sheen’s recent unemployment has prompted him to seek paychecks in unlikely places. Sheen is receiving endorsements from several companies that he “tweets” about such as Tiger Blood energy drinks. As well he is being paid for his interviews and is experimenting with his own “Sheen’s Corner” a self-produced web cast Charlie put out. During his interviews Sheen comes out with ludicrous statements about how he is “winning” in life right now and that this is all apart of his plan.

Sheen’s first interview for ABC was a big hit with viewers. Giving ABC its best ratings in two years. There is no doubt that the public is interested in watching the actor’s crazy behavior. There is nothing more entertaining than watching someone fall from the top. Charlie Sheen broke the world record for most Twitter followers in one day, with close to 1 million people following the actor after his debut on ABC.

Sheen has become the latest buzz, coming out with quotable catch phrases such as “I’m a rockstar from mars” and his classic “winning!” the actor has certainly gotten our attention. But how long will he be able to hold it? Is it possible for Charlie Sheen to turn himself around and come back on top? Or is this going to be the beginning of the end for Charlie Sheen? It is clear that there is no stopping him now on his media extravaganza. At this point Sheen could go either way, clean up and come back or continue on his self-destructive path and lose our loyalty, and possibly lose some Twitter followers as well. Sheen has captured our attention with his neurotic behavior, and my instincts tell me this was all really a part of his plan. But only time will tell how long our interest can be held with the delusional “rockstar from Mars”.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Charlie Sheen

Charlie Sheen is Hollywood’s highest paid television actor. Two and a Half Men is a very popular television comedy and Sheen plays a character based loosely off of himself, Charlie Harper. The 45-year-old television star has battled with drug and alcohol addictions for most of his life. Sheen has regularly made headlines for bad behavior. From drugs, rehab and divorces Charlie Sheen has built himself a bad boy reputation, but has he taken things too far? Has Sheen finally hit rock bottom? Or is it all a carefully planned act?
On January 27th 2011 Sheen was taken to hospital for “severe abdominal pain” apparently due to a hernia he has had for several years. Coincidentally the next day Sheen voluntarily started up a rehab program. However, since the hospitalization Sheen has seemingly been on a downward spiral. Two and a Half Men executives have stood behind Sheen for many years through his drug abuse and other incidents. His outrageous personal life has been talked away in order to justify keeping him on the show, as the star makes a lot of people a lot of money. It seems no matter what Sheen does nothing can touch him. But the show has been suspended in its 8th season.
Since the news of the show being cancelled Sheen has gone on a self-motivated media tour. During the interviews Charlie Sheen seems to be in a manic state, speaking quickly and often incoherently. Sheen appears very angry about the cancellation of Two and a Half Men. Sheen plans on suing CBS for violating his contract, which supposedly states no “moral causes” in which the network could dispel the contract early. But the actor assures us that he is still “winning” and that the network will pay for what they have done. And seeing as he is “winning” more publicity than ever before I imagine the show is contemplating the profit they could be making off of Sheen very seriously.
“Winning” is Sheen’s latest catchphrase, one which he has recently tattooed on his wrist. He claims to be on top of the world right now despite everything that has happened. Sheen is currently living with porn star Bree Olson and model Natalie Kenly, his “goddesses” as he calls them, after losing custody of his children a few days ago. Watching Sheen’s story progress the entertainment factor just goes up and up.
Sheen was found in a hotel room, naked, with porn star Capri Anderson locked in the bathroom in October. The porn star claims to have been “scared for her life” by Charlie’s violent drug induced behavior. According to Anderson, Sheen yelled racial slurs at her, and threw a lamp at her as well as grabbed her by the throat. She states that there was a large amount of crack that Sheen was indulging in at regular intervals. Anderson has talked to many media sources about the incident at the hotel and it is unclear what the truth of the situation is. Sheen denies much of the accusations. However, Anderson has received mass media attention and likely a lot of money, which makes one question the truth behind the accusations. Especially since she did not contact the police herself.
Since the hotel incident Sheen has been accused of anti-Semitism, and launched a full scale “media blitz”. Tearing down the shows creator Chuck Lorre with remarks like “retarded zombie” Sheen has made it clear he is unhappy with the decision on cancelling Two and a Half Men.
Charlie Sheen’s recent unemployment has prompted him to seek paychecks in unlikely places. Sheen is receiving endorsements from several companies that he “tweets” about such as Tiger Blood energy drinks. As well he is being paid for his interviews and is experimenting with his own “Sheen’s Corner” a self-produced web cast Charlie put out.
During his interviews Sheen comes out with ludicrous statements about how he is “winning” in life right now and that this is all apart of his plan. Speculation has been made that Sheen may have bipolar disorder or a drug related brain dysfunction based off his manic unpredictable behavior. It is likely that his prolonged drug abuse has created a serious problem with his brain function. However, Sheen is a very intelligent man and everything he is doing seems to be leading him towards bigger better contracts and endorsements.
Due to the erratic behaviors Sheen is displaying he has lost custody of his children. Brooke Mueller had a restraining order placed on Sheen and says she “fears for her children’s safety” when they are around their father. But ironically Mueller has her own issues in taking care of the children, as she can only look after them for four hours a day due to her own rehab program’s limitations.
Sheen’s first interview for ABC was a big hit with viewers. Giving ABC its best ratings in two years. There is no doubt that the public is interested in watching the actor’s crazy behavior. There is nothing more entertaining than watching someone fall from the top. Charlie Sheen broke the world record for most Twitter followers in one day, with close to 1 million people following the actor after his debut on ABC.
Sheen constantly mentions magic, trolls and warlocks. Where this is all coming from is a mystery to viewers and interviewers alike. But as long as he is entertaining audiences around the world, networks like ABC and other respected networks will continue running stories of his demise.
Sheen has become the latest buzz, coming out with quotable catch phrases such as “I’m a rockstar from mars” and his classic “winning!” the actor has certainly gotten our attention. But how long will he be able to hold it? Is it possible for Charlie Sheen to turn himself around and come back on top? Or is this going to be the beginning of the end for Charlie Sheen? It is clear that there is no stopping him now on his media extravaganza. At this point Sheen could go either way, clean up and come back or continue on his self-destructive path and lose our loyalty, and possibly lose some Twitter followers as well. Sheen has captured our attention with his neurotic behavior, and my instincts tell me this was all really a part of his plan. But only time will tell how long our interest can be held with the delusional “rockstar from Mars”.

Adams, Richard. (January 2011) “Charlie Sheen Hospitalized for Severe Stomach
Pains” The Guardian Online. Retrieved March 6, 2011.
Associated Press. (November 2010). “Porn Star Sueing Charlie Sheen After Hotel Incident” Fox News Online. Retrieved March 6, 2011.
Beam, Christopher. (March 2011). “How Will it End, Charlie Sheen” Slate Online. Retrieved March 6, 2011.
Bell, Melissa. (March 2011). “Charlie Sheen: The Storyline Missing from the Spotlight” The Washington Post Online. Retrieved March 7, 2011.
Belloni, Matthew and Eriq Gardner. (March 2011) “Sheen’s legal case against studios not so crazy” Reuters Online. Retrieved March 6, 2011.
Oldenburg, Ann. (March 2011) “Has Charlie Sheen Hit Bottom Yet on this Downward Spiral?” USA Today Online. Retrieved March 6, 2011.
Wikipedia. (March 2011) “Charlie Sheen” Wikipedia. Retrieved March 6, 2011.
Whitall, Susan. (March 2011). “Grapevine: Sheen loses kids, gains Twitter” The Detroit News Online. Retrieved March 7, 2011.
ZMandell. (February 2011) “Charlie Sheen Goes Further Off Deep End After Show Gets Cancelled” Now Public Online. Retrieved March 6, 2011.