Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Master of Disaster

Okay, so clearly Charlie Sheen’s madness is here to stay. He just launched his Violent Torpedo of Truth/Defeat is not an Option tour, with a dismal reaction from fans in Detroit. How can Charlie Sheen continue to stay on top? Is it possible for him to out-crazy himself?

This is turning into a Lady Gaga-esque situation. Charlie Sheen has to continue to top every performance he puts on, whether it is an interview or a comedy routine. Similar to Lady Gaga who has turned to cocaine to help her come up with her bat-shit-crazy outfits and dance routines and music videos. Charlie is supposedly off the drugs, so how on earth is he going to continue on his outrageous path?

Personally I see this going excellently for Charlie Sheen, who else could possibly rebound back so many times? He cannot fail it seems. He has done everything in his power to make us hate him, and yet we are fascinated by him.
During his first performance on his Torpedo of Truth tour, Sheen literally got booed off the stage. Then compared to the disaster that is Spiderman: Turn off the Dark. And then he went on to Chicago to get a standing ovation, and his ticket prices skyrocketed (an exaggeration all the journalists are using, hey media over-emphasizing is so passé)! The prices actually only went from about 20 dollars, which I suppose is a lot, but I wouldn’t go straight to “skyrocketed”. This is the power of celebrity in our world I guess. One minute we hate you for putting us through mind-numbing performances, than we love you for the little smirk you put on our face.

Journalists seemingly advance his celebrity by what they are writing, and how they are writing it. By over emphasizes things (as journalists tend to do, excitable people we are) and choosing certain parts of a story, they can make Charlie Sheen out to be an idiot or a genius.

No matter how you spin it though, Sheen is clearly not going anywhere anytime soon, and the fans still love him. Today anyways.